Day 4: Lock The three-symbol combination for this lock would be as clear as a signal, if you could only find out whatβs up.
February 2022 Name two movies with five-letter titles that came out 43 years apart and share 4 of those 5 letters. Both were nominated for and lost Best Picture, and both won a single other Academy Award. The solution is at the bottom of the January 2023 newsletter.
January 19, 2022 Name a movie that was nominated for Best Picture in the β90s. Add one letter to the end of the title to get a movie that was nominated for Best Picture in the β00s. Which movies are these?
December 08, 2021 Think of the name for a member of a particular professional sports team on one American coast. Remove a letter, and you'll have the word for a person hailing from a particular place at roughly the same latitude on the other coast. What words are these?
October 08, 2021 Think of a store that's got about 9,000 locations across the USA. Remove the first and last letters and add a space, and you'll get the name of a beloved Grammy-winning musical artist. What store and artist are they?
September 09, 2021 Think of a number, remove one-third of it, then remove one-third again (in a different way), and the result will be the original number. What number is this?
August 04, 2021 Name two world capitals that are only 300 miles apart. Inside each capital is an English word. These two words describe two people who could be father and son. Which capitals are these?
July 07, 2021 Name two countries in the Western Hemisphere that are about 1000 miles apart, one with a five-letter name and one with a six-letter name. Anagram their names together to get the name of a current head of state. What countries are these?
May 13, 2021 Think of the name of a famous woman from 20th century American politics. Change one letter in her first name to a different double letter. Youβll end up with the first and last name of a famous 20th century American athlete, along with the last name of his rival.