Day 4: Lock

This puzzle was created for EnigMarch, which challenges constructors to build a puzzle every day in March, based on single-word prompts. For more background, visit
Day 4: Lock

Remember: the combination is three symbols. If your answer isn’t three symbols from the lock, you might have one more step!

This puzzle came about after shuffling through a box of locks in my office, until inspiration struck.

Plain text

The three-symbol combination for this lock would be as clear as a signal, if you could only find out what’s up.

The dog cast around, looking for her friend, the monkey.
The parasol was prob inclined toward the moth.
The monkey could hear the cry of the robin.
The robin was an advocate for the heart.
The monkey’s pet marmot Hank was quite the star.
The moth’s dating skills were subpar; a solution evaded his heart.
The cat shot a dastardly look at the parasol.
The cat played an uncommon keyboard in the band Heart.
The monkey could outdo Great Danes or any other dog.
The parasol was a replica, though that was good enough for the monkey.

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