The Ones That I Want If you can figure out what this number means, you’ll really be something special.
Intersectionality We asked Sandy's kids to make this month's Mystery. It's pretty simple! Just identify what's in the pictures.
January 2025 Think of a two-word phrase that means “a secret mission”. Move the last letter of the 1st word to be the first letter of the 2nd word, and you’ll end up with two words that are synonyms. What are they?
November 2024 Think of an Asian capital in 5 letters. Shift the 1st and 4th letters forward in the alphabet by 3 positions to get the name of an African country. Shift them forward again 5 more positions to get a different Asian capital. What places are these?
October 2024 Think of a hit song from 1992. Remove all of the first word except the first two letters and the result will be a hit song from 1993. Both were released by bands, and both bands have the same number of letters in their names. Which songs are these?
September 2024 Take the name of a caffeinated drink. Remove a letter, then add a letter, and you’ll get the last name of an actor whose first name is also a caffeinated drink. Who is this?
August 2024 Think of a hyphenated phrase that means “fine”. Take the second half, change just the middle of it to its opposite, and you’ll get a word that also means “fine”. What words are these?
July 2024 Think of a pair of actors who headlined a beloved movie from the late ‘80s. The female actor’s first name, when reversed, and the male actor’s last name, are two words often used interchangeably. Who are they?