Starring… Antiwar Hyena
🐉 Creatures in Seattle! We’re running Creatures on the Loose on October 3rd, at Optimism Brewery. 🎟 Tickets are here. We may also run it October 5th, if get enough interest. If that date’s better for you, log your interest here. Puzzler Think of a female celebrity, eight letters total
🐉 Creatures in Seattle! We’re running Creatures on the Loose on October 3rd, at Optimism Brewery. 🎟 Tickets are here. We may also run it October 5th, if get enough interest. If that date’s better for you, log your interest here.
Think of a female celebrity, eight letters total in her name. Change two of them, anagram it, and you’ll get another female celebrity. Who are they?
Puzzle Hunt Calendar
Puzzle Hunt Calendar
Dan Egnor manages this public calendar of puzzle hunts happening around the world. Many are site-specific, but some are available online. Subscribe via gCal or iCal.
REDDOThunt 2020
Be prepared to work overtime this weekend.
Coming up this weekend!
The RED DOT hunt is a 48-hour online puzzle hunt for teams of up to 4 members. It’s meant to be both beginner- and solo-solver-friendly, while still providing a fun weekend diversion for experienced teams.
Solution to the previous Puzzler
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