September 1, 2022
A new set of Mystery Theme Trivia, by popular request.

One of the biggest takeaways from last week's survey is that many of you want easier/faster puzzles. Also, I got lots of votes for the "trivia-type game" option.
In that spirit, I thought I'd take a stab at a new set of Mystery Theme Trivia, below. Submit the answer to Q6 using this form — ideally, in the form of another trivia question. And then I'll collect all the questions and publish them next week for you all to enjoy.
Have fun! (And if this is something you enjoy, I encourage you to also check out Learned League's Mystery Themes, or Ryan Smith's Trivia Factorial newsletter, or my own Mystery Trivia events, linked below.)
Mystery Theme Trivia
- In the song “What’s This?”, this animated film character looks back and forth and sings, “There are children throwing snowballs, instead of throwing heads, they’re busy building toys and absolutely no one’s dead!”
- While digital editing has allowed this pop culture icon to continue his plan to appear in every movie inspired by his work, his last actual, live appearance was in Ant-Man and the Wasp.
- Which pop artist’s work often depicts coy young women, in a comic book style, expressing anguish, talking on the phone, and/or breaking down in tears?
- What astronaut, one of the three who died in the Apollo 1 launch rehearsal fire, worked at a school bus manufacturing company in Indiana, before attending Purdue University?
- If you’re ever holding the key to a Chrysler, you can thank this man, who is credited with turning the company around in the 1980s.
- The monosyllabic first names of these five men, in this order, form the beginning of a set written and published in 1975. We’re promised that the list is actually ten times as long, though we are only ever told about these five. To help you figure it out, I’ve included a particular, important word in each question. For this Q6, please come up with another name that could go on this list, and for bonus points, compose it as a trivia question (with the extra word, like questions 1-5 above).

I'll post the answers, and the best Q6 submissions, next week. If you need a hint, don't hesitate to get in touch.
If you want more Mystery Trivia in your life…
I write and put on Mystery Trivia for virtual team-building events, as part of my main gig, at The Mystery League. You can find more on my website here: