Puzzle resources
Tools for puzzle construction, Links to crossword publishers, and where to find hunts and puzzles.
Links to pattern-matching tools and other services that help you build (and solve) crosswords:
Tools for solving and construction
Contact me with corrections or links that you’d like to see included. Pattern searchingOneLookNutrimaticMystery Hunter’s Word SearchQuinapalus Word MatcherQat Multi-MatcherQhex multi-purpose toolAnagrammingWordFinder — supports wildcardsWordPlaysInternet Anagram ServerAnswer checkerCalling It In!A s…
There are lots of crosswords out there. Here is a long list of where to find them.
Catalog of crosswords, cryptics, & word puzzles
Contact me with corrections or links that you’d like to see included. CrosswordsDailyNew York TimesLA TimesNewsdayWall Street JournalUSA TodayWeekly or BiweeklyAmerican Values ClubNew YorkerBrendan Emmett QuigleyMatt Gaffney’s Weekly ContestWashPo Sunday Crossword, by Evan BirnholzThe Inkubator, puz…
Puzzles & hunts
For a list of hunts and hunt-style page, visit here:
Puzzles and puzzle hunts
Online huntsAll links below have substantial archives of past hunts. Galactic Puzzle Hunt — Annual-ish huntMark Halpin’s Labor Day extravaganza — Annual hunt released Labor Day weekendMUMS — Annual hunt out of MelbourneP&A Puzzle Magazine — Bimonthly subscription-based extravagaznaPuzzle Boat 9…