May 2023 Take the full name of a famous American jazz musician. Change one letter in his first name, and you’ll end up with two words that describe people you’d find in a kitchen.
April 2023 Think of a musician who still performs but was most popular in the 1980s. One of his biggest hits describes a specific setting. The first 3 letters of the musician's last name are also something conventionally said (by two different people) in this setting. What's the song and who’s the musician?
February 2023 Think of a place where you might find outlets. Turn the first letter 180° and you’ll end up with a word for another place where you might find an entirely different kind of outlet. What words are these?
January 2023 Think of a hyphenated word for a kind of book that contains salacious details. Remove four of the same letter from that word, and what remains will be a word for the kind of content you'd find in such a book. What are the words?
December 2022 Think of an animal in 6 letters, and two things you might feed that animal. Say those three words together aloud, in that order, to get the full name of a famous literary character. What character is it?
November 2022 Think of two six-letter words that each start and end with a T. Swap the two syllables of one of them, and phonetically, you’ll get a synonym of the other. What are the two words?
October 2022 Think of a superhero. Take their alter ego's last name, and the last word of their nickname, and together you’ll get the full name of a living actor. That actor’s most famous role kind of sounds like a superhero, …
September 2022 What is a word for something you might eat at a roast, or something you might do at a roast?
July 2022 Take the codes for two of USA’s busiest airports. Add a single letter to each code and you’ll get the name of a movie & TV producer, director, and writer, who won an Oscar in 2018. Who is it?
June 2022 Think of two words, 1 letter & 5 letters, that might kick off a sincere speech at a wedding. Change one letter, and move the space, to get two new words that might also begin a speech at a wedding, this time by someone a little more snarky.
May 2022 Change one letter in the name of a member of a certain NFL team. Do it again for a different team. These two words are synonyms of a member of a third NFL team. What words are these?
April 2022 Take the name of a small creature. Write it out twice, with 8 spaces in between. Then anagram the plural form of another small creature, along with another letter, and put it in those 8 spaces. The result will be a 14-letter word for a kind of pharmaceutical. What is it?
March 2022 Take a four letter term for a part of the body. The first and last letters are the same. Advance the first letter 1 spot in the alphabet, and the last letter by 2 spots, and you'll get another term for the same body part. Which 2 words
February 2022 Name two movies with five-letter titles that came out 43 years apart and share 4 of those 5 letters. Both were nominated for and lost Best Picture, and both won a single other Academy Award. The solution is at the bottom of the January 2023 newsletter.
January 19, 2022 Name a movie that was nominated for Best Picture in the ’90s. Add one letter to the end of the title to get a movie that was nominated for Best Picture in the ’00s. Which movies are these?