Phalanges that Intersect Metacarpal and Resemble Thüringers

I’m continuing to publish daily Twitter puzzles at @pzlr []. Each tweet offers five items that share a quality and asks you to reply with another item with that same quality. I’m trying to come up with puzzles that allow room for some creative expression.

I’m continuing to publish daily Twitter puzzles at @pzlr. Each tweet offers five items that share a quality and asks you to reply with another item with that same quality. I’m trying to come up with puzzles that allow room for some creative expression. Here’s today’s list:

  • Bustling Boroughs of Quite Sprawling Metropolis
  • Handsome Little Ducks
  • Loony Comedic Men
  • Magi’s Fabulous Gifts
  • Phalanges that Intersect Metacarpal and Resemble Thüringers

Respond with your answer on Twitter to join in!

I’ll return with more weekly puzzles in the next Dispatch.

xkcd: Word Puzzles

Word Puzzles

Guilty as charged. Keep reading…

Solving XKCD's not-really-a-puzzle puzzle

That XKCD comic above is an explicit troll of word nerds like myself. So fellow word nerd Eric Berlin sounded the call and a bunch of us got together on his Facebook post and called XKCD’s bluff. The puzzle doesn’t actually have an answer, but what Eric’s post posits is… what if it does? Here’s one of my “answers”:

Live, Aria, Au, Pair, Era all start with two-letter element symbols. Their atomic numbers are 3, 18, 79, 91, 68. Mod 26 to get 3, 18, 1, 13, 16, which spells CRAMP.

They get even crazier from there. (You need to be logged into Facebook to see the thread.)

How an Ex-Cop Rigged McDonald’s Monopoly Game and Stole Millions

How an Ex-Cop Rigged McDonald’s Monopoly Game and Stole Millions
Jerome Jacobson and his network of mobsters, psychics, strip-club owners, and drug traffickers won almost every prize for 12 years, until the FBI launched Operation ‘Final Answer.’
Jerome Jacobson and his network of mobsters, psychics, strip club owners, and drug traffickers won almost every prize for 12 years, until the FBI launched Operation ‘Final Answer.’

Boston Puzzle Hunt: Dragon of Bostonshire

Boston residents: Boxaroo’s 3rd Annual City Challenge is this Sunday. Travel around the city to collect clues and complete challenges with your team to defeat the dragon of Bostonshire!

Very Good Escape Room Concepts

Escape rooms used to be a very niche thing. Now they’re so popular you can causally make jokes about them and assume most people know what you’re talking about. For escape room designers like Laura E. Hall, this is encouraging. Here she collects her favorite tweets that prove this point.

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