March 11, 2021 What three movies, released from 1985-1990, all had one-word titles, all started with the same letter, and all starred the same actor?
February 16, 2021 What two components, which are often mixed together in cocktails, contain, within their names, words that are opposites of each other?
November 30, 2020 Which band's name, in four words, contains A, B, C, D, & E, in that order (though not consecutive)?
October 06, 2020 Think of something you might ask for at a salon. Change the first letter, and you'll get something you might ask for at a saloon. What are these?
August 25, 2020 Think of a place on earth with a four-word name. Take the third word. Advance three of its letters to the next letter of the alphabet (so A would become B, B would be come C, etc.). You'll get the fourth word in the name. What place is
July 06, 2020 Think of a 9-letter term from mathematics. Swap letters 2 & 3, then move the fourth letter to the front, to get a 9-letter term from computer science. What words are these?
June 03, 2020 Take a word that is used to describe people who are overly energetic. Change the first and last letters to get a phrase that describes people who are overly driven. What are these two terms?
May 07, 2020 Name a brand you can buy in most drugstores, in the cough remedy aisle. Change one letter and add a space, and you’ll get the name of a brand you might be able to find in the grocery aisle. What are these two brands?
April 16, 2020 Name an American city in 4 letters. Add one letter inside of it to get a kind of food popular in that area. What are they?
March 11, 2020 Take the name of a well-known virus. Change two letters and you’ll get the name of a well-known bacteria. Both are known to cause harm to humans. What are they?
February 24, 2020 Think of a musical instrument in 8 letters. Change one letter, then anagram, and you’ll get another musical instrument. What are they?
December 18, 2019 Think of a name associated with fire under ground. Remove the first letter, reverse the letters that remain, and the result will be a name that’s associated with fire above ground. Which names are these?
November 27, 2019 Think of a movie title in 4 letters. Change one letter and anagram it to get the title of another movie that came out 20 years later. Then, change another letter in that title, and anagram, to get a third movie that came out 29 years after that. All are
November 07, 2019 Think of a word in 8 letters that means “to review or change”. Swap out two letters for one new letter, and you’ll have a two-word phrase for a tool that is often used when suggesting changes. What are these words?
October 02, 2019 Take a 10-letter word for something that is often done in the dark. Remove first letter, swap two other letters, and you’ll get a word that can be preceded by “dark”. What are these two words?