Mystery League is heading to San Francisco! I’ll be in town March 3 - 6. If you’d like me to put one of my games for you and your co-workers on one of those days, please reply to this email ASAP.
I may also put on a public game Sunday night (3rd) near San Jose, and on Tuesday night (5th) in San Francisco. I’m looking for a big, friendly, well-lit venue in both areas. If you know of one, please reply to this email and let me know! Thanks.
Think of a celebrity that goes by a stage name. Their born last name describes something found on a phone. Remove the last letter from their stage first name to get something a phone does. Who is this?
It’s 1921 and the bustling industrial town of Millingham, near Chicago, has awoke on a misty morning to find one of its most feared residents has been poisoned…
This outdoor detective game is coming to Chicago in March.
…crosswords found their way into the world of music, serving as inspiration for numerous comedic ballads. Perhaps the most famous of the 1924 crossword songs is the curious “Crossword Mama, You Puzzle Me (But Papa’s Gonna Figure You Out).”
Solution to the previous Puzzler
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