What's the connection?

Over the last week, I’ve been publishing daily Twitter puzzles. I was inspired by — and using the same format as — P&A Magazine, who’s been posting their own for a while, and @puzzletheory, who did the same kind of thing years ago. Each tweet offers five items

Over the last week, I’ve been publishing daily Twitter puzzles. I was inspired by — and using the same format as — P&A Magazine, who’s been posting their own for a while, and @puzzletheory, who did the same kind of thing years ago. Each tweet offers five items that share a quality and asks you to reply with another item with that quality. Some favorites so far:

August 7 (and still active)

  • Albumen
  • Brawl
  • British torch
  • Eisenhower
  • Power

August 6

  • A small boat (2014)
  • My old friend (1964)
  • Punctured bicycle (1984)
  • Six-string (1984)
  • Your butt (1987)

August 3

  • Destination for gossip
  • Embarrassing grade
  • Kitchen measurement
  • Mogul’s newsstand periodical
  • Turn variant

I’m having a lot of fun making these and seeing what creative answers solvers come up with. Follow @pzlr, and join in!

Humble Book Bundle: Game design & puzzle making

Humble Book Bundle: Game Design & Puzzlecraft by Lone Shark Games & Friends
Pay what you want for awesome ebooks and support charity!

Mike Selinker and Thomas Snyder’s excellent Puzzlecraft has been out of print for a while, and is very hard/expensive to buy. They’re bringing it back with a revised edition in this pay-what-you-want bundle, which also includes a dozen other books on game and puzzle design. It’s a crazy good deal. And it ends in 7 days.

"Describe the plot of your fave movie, without the title and in the form of a limerick"

Here’s a fun game. Read these limericks, guess the movies.

Rabbit Ear: origami and creative code

Rabbit Ear origami

This is hella cool. Design your own origami and watch a rendering of the result in real time. Seems very useful for puzzle crafting.

Mathematical and Puzzle Fonts/Typefaces

Mathematical and Puzzle Fonts/Typefaces
… several mathematical typefaces which are inspired by mathematical theorems or open problems. Most include a puzzle font: reading them is itself a mathematical puzzle.

Solution to the previous Puzzler

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