The Caves of Cragdeboofy

Puzzler Name a place on Earth in eleven letters. Seven of these letters appear chronologically in the alphabet. What place is this? Hunt for Justice Puzzle Hunt I’m contributing a puzzle to this charity puzzle hunt, where all the proceeds go to benefit the Innocence Project. Lots of good


Name a place on Earth in eleven letters. Seven of these letters appear chronologically in the alphabet. What place is this?

Hunt for Justice Puzzle Hunt

I’m contributing a puzzle to this charity puzzle hunt, where all the proceeds go to benefit the Innocence Project. Lots of good puzzles in this game, which will get mailed to all participants in October. Registration closes tomorrow, August 1st!

A Spy Novel Whose Clues Are Found on New York Landmarks

A new digital book about Patricia Neal and Roald Dahl sends readers across the city to solve its riddles.

How to run secret ZX Spectrum message from Radiohead’s OKNOTOK C90 tape

How to run secret ZX Spectrum message from Radiohead’s OKNOTOK C90 tape
The tape we’ve been waiting for is out, and it’s full of treasures! I was thrilled while listening to it for the first time. The piano…

A new Radiohead record, released on cassette tape, has a video game encoded the beeps and boops at the end. Of course it does.

Solution to the previous Puzzler

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