Ruth Baller Ginsburg
The good news around these parts it that I'm finally, blessedly, fully vaxxed. Last week I spent time in a cafe, and went to see a movie in a movie theater. Yesterday I had a conversation with a client about possibly running one of my tabletop games in
The good news around these parts it that I'm finally, blessedly, fully vaxxed. Last week I spent time in a cafe, and went to see a movie in a movie theater. Yesterday I had a conversation with a client about possibly running one of my tabletop games in person, at their off-site in another state. After a year of Zoom-only team-building, this is a much welcome development. I can't wait to start thinking about running public games at bars and taprooms for you all again. Hope you're able to get vaccinated soon, if you're not already.
Think of the name of a famous woman from 20th century American politics. Change one letter in her first name to a different double letter. You’ll end up with the first and last name of a famous 20th century American athlete, along with the last name of his rival.
For crossword constructors, an inclusivity debate: What’s ‘common knowledge’ and who decides?

More on this ongoing debate within the crossword construction community. As a puzzle designer, I know that my own ideas of what is "common knowledge" can lead me astray, and it's something that I'm working on.
Escape This Column?

Your mission — should you choose to accept it — is to escape this column.
Escape from Jury Duty
6 years ago, while on jury duty at New York Supreme Court, I stealthily installed a room escape game that began with a sign in a bathroom stall outside the assembly room. I wonder if anyone solved it or if it's still there. (Probably a total of 0 people solved it, lol.) 🔍🏛
— Danielle Baskin (@djbaskin) March 23, 2021
Escape from your Sudoku Limitations

Good Sudoku: A new app by Zach Gage and Jack Schlesinger that uses AI to help you learn to play (and enjoy) sudoku.