Mystery League in Houston

I'll be at Eureka Heights Brewery on Friday April 4

Play Search for a Superhero in Houston

A quick note note to let you Houstonians (and friends of Houstonians) know I'll be there next week to run my Search for a Superhero tabletop escape game. Friday, April 4, at 6:30PM. Tickets available here.

Please send the link to all your friends and family in Houston!

Raddle is still raddling along

Thanks to everyone who have played and spread the word about Raddle. About 1,200 people are playing it every day, which is amazing. And as of Sunday, there's now a tutorial that greets you when you first visit:

(You can access the tutorial anytime here.)

Some have asked if this will continue past EnigMarch. That's the plan! Starting in April, I'll be able to pick whatever end words I want, which will make construction a lot easier. And best of all, I won't have to wait until 7 PM the night before to build the next day's Raddle. 🤓

Til next time,

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