Day 16: Hex
To cast this hex, make sure to sort out all your ingredients. It won't take too long.
This puzzle was created for EnigMarch, which challenges constructors to build a puzzle every day in March, based on single-word prompts. For more background, visit

Plain text
To cast this hex, make sure to sort out all your ingredients. It won't take too long.
- at0ne
- Ava
- beeF
- breAm
- bur8ot
- 8uy
- c4ssoulet
- charD
- daff0dil
- dAhlia
- Daisy
- Delphine
- f0llow
- Fugu
- Fumet
- 9arlic
- gazpaCho
- goul4sh
- gr0uper
- hyDrangea
- impr0ve
- kalE
- l0ve
- liz2ie
- p1neapple
- pe7unia
- pozolE
- refact0r
- 5arah
- snapdra6on
- sp1nach
- s7urgeon
- yok0
- 2ebrafish
- 2endaya
- 2ucchini
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