DBH Holiday Puzzle hints

Where to start

Each of the DBH teams has turned into one of the new teams shown on the map. Helpfully, their name has changed in one of six particular ways, which are hinted at by the names and descriptions of the leagues on the front page.

One team's new name has been given to you. The LUGNUTS have become the PECAN CARRIERS. What's the correlation between "lugnuts" and "pecan carriers"? Which of the six league names feel like an accurate description of that correlation?

League hint #1

The PECAN CARRIERS are in the LITERAL League, because a "pecan carrier" could be another way to describe "lugging a nut". All 5 other Literal League members work the same way.

League hint #2

The LOONY League is about anagrams. Shuffle the letters in the old team name to get the new team name.

One member

The TREASONS are a member of the LOONY League. They used to be The SENATORS.

League hint #3

The SPACECRAWL League is about rhyming. The old names rhyme with the new names. ("Spacecrawl" rhymes with "Baseball".)

One member

The HENNA SPADES are a member of the SPACECRAWL League. They used to be the RENEGADES.

League hint #4

Names of teams in the PARTNER League partner with the old team names in common English phrases.

One member

The ROBBERS are a member of the PARTNER League. They used to be the BARONS.

League hint #5

Members of the ALMOST League are clues for words that are one letter off of the old team name.

One member

The U-BOATS are a member of the ALMOST League. They used to be the Cubs (which is one letter off from Subs, which are also known as U-Boats).

League hint #6

The HIDDEN League names are found, in their entirety, in sequence, in the old team names — as long as you also include the city name.

One member

The BEQUESTS are a member of the HIDDEN League. They used to be the alBuquErQUE iSoTopeS. The word "bequests" can be found inside that full name, as indicated by the capitalized letters.

Determining league memberships

Each card on the map is one of six colors. There are six leagues. Once you determine any one team's league, you can then assign all other teams of that color to the same league.

That means once you figure out the Pecan Carrier's league, you can apply the same name change technique to the Plain Whoopers, Cherry Punches, Dentists, AnglerToms, and Swaydogs.

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